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Endangered Species Tour

Because of its unique biogeography and location between major urban centers in Los Angeles and Kern counties, the Tejon region also supports many threatened and endangered species and other species considered rare or sensitive because of their restricted distributions and substantial loss of habitat. At least 20 species listed as Threatened or Endangered and an additional 61 species otherwise designated as sensitive are known to occur or have the potential to occur in the vicinity of Tejon Ranch.

Because of this concentration of listed species, the Recovery Plan for Upland Species of the San Joaquin Valley targets the Tejon Hills, Bena Hills-Caliente Hills, and Comanche Point areas, which include areas of Tejon Ranch, as important for protection. In addition, Tejon Ranch is one of the last areas supporting populations of the endangered California condor in the wild and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has designated a significant part of the Ranch as Critical Habitat.

Species listed as Threatened or Endangered that are known or have the potential to occur on Tejon Ranch include:

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