In 2003, the California Wilderness Coalition identified Tejon Ranch as one of the top 10 most threatened landscapes in California. The newest threats are the most dire.
The Tejon Ranch Company has proposed a series of sprawling urban developments that would wreak irrevocable damage on Tejon’s natural and cultural heritage and jeopardize the recovery of the California Condor. Their proposals sacrifice Tejon’s wildlands to piecemeal residential and industrial development far from existing municipal infrastructure, while setting aside only 100,000 acres of mostly steep, unbuildable lands that would be off-limits to the public. The projects would generate significant air pollution during the construction process as well as from increased vehicle miles traveled. And while we’re on the subject, huge increases in traffic would be expected on Interstate 5; Highways 14, 138, and 58; and all ancillary roads, further jamming an already overburdened transportation system.
Increasing truck and commuting traffic will result from all of the Tejon Ranch proposed projects, further clogging the Interstate 5 corridor and further degrading vehicle infrastructure.
Photo: I. Anderson © 2007, Center for Biological Diversity
Decisions over the fate of Tejon have wide-ranging public consequences—and should be made in a public arena through a comprehensive regional planning process. Click on the links in the map to find out what we know, so far, about proposed projects at Tejon.
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Click on each development for more specific information

Huge new development projects threaten the integrity of Tejon. Click on the projects for more detail.