Tejon Mountain Village

Tesoro De Valle Development in Santa Clarita, California
This should not be the fate of Tejon! Tejon Mountain Village is still in the planning stages, and not yet built. Due to significant earthquake potential, massive hillside stabilization may be required for the project. As proposed, Tejon Mountain Village would destroy the heart of Tejon’s natural heritage, increase gridlock on Interstate 5, and preclude recovery for the California Condor.
The proposed upscale Tejon Mountain Village would be located in California Condor critical habitat and would carve out the heart of Tejon with 28,000 acres of golf courses, vacation homes and commercial space. Located in secluded hills and canyons near Castac Lake, the development will affect approximately 37,000 acres of oak woodlands, grasslands, chaparral and scrublands; montane hardwoods and conifers; pinyon-juniper woodlands; and wet meadows and riparian woodlands. As designed, the Tejon Mountain Village would fragment the pristine landscape of Tejon with 3,450 residential units, 750 hotel units, four golf courses, and 160,000 square feet of commercial space. While the Tejon Ranch Company touts the Tejon Mountain Village as an “environmentally sensitive, light-touch” development, in fact, it is just the opposite. No basic environmentally-sensitive design tenets—cluster development, reduced lot sizes, or avoidance of rare and endangered resources, to name a few—are included. This exclusive, resort-style sprawl development would continue Tejon Ranch Company’s elite-only access to California’s natural and cultural heritage. The Tejon Mountain Village development would eliminate significant portions of critical habitat used for foraging and roosting by the California Condor, causing declines in this iconic California bird that already glides perilously close to extinction.
Read the November 2005 Center and Sierra Club press release announcing opposition to Tejon Mountain Village, and the Center’s comments on the project, regarding issues to be analyzed in an upcoming Environmental Impact Report issued by the Kern County Planning Department.